Bureacracy is a vile profession. However, there is some merit in maintaining one's own records. And rather than relying on the Rogue's gallery I've been able to maintain my own list of victims in the form of a dog eared little notebook in my hip pocket. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," as they say. But I must abandon this list now. Or at least move it. So I'm noting it here instead.
If you're on this list, I won't be coming back for you. Take some comfort in that at least.
In order of appearance:
1. Sgt Jack Travis
2. Lukinswood Snitch
3. Tor'kak
4. Chrisman17
5. Clarance Craddock
6. mage57
7. CrusnikXII
8.Jim Braddock
9.Samuel 034
11.Ming the Merciless
12.Doctor Occult
13.Death Lemur
14.Darth Ozy 4th
15.Big Herm
17.Dirk Triggerfinger
19.rebis scout
21.James Sessler
22.sebastian thomas
24.Rev Lightning
26.Mad Muchacho
27.John Danvers
30.Dark Shibbi
31.Shaun Leinard
33.Raspojasana Bitanga
35.The Punitor
37.Armin Tamzarian
38.Duke D'oeuvre
39.baskerville hound
47.Humbert VonGikkingen
48.Raymond Davison
49.Moses Black
50.Agent Banks
52.Roy Parkinson
54.Tedward Wilsonn
56.Kooky McSpook
60.Jason Corleone
61.JT Garrett
66.Paxton Smith
68.Badass Ben
69.Archie McPhee
71.Fingers McGlug
78.Lord Alpharius
79.Lord Alpharius
80.Mr Tee Man
83.Kurt Wells
84.Officer Murphy
87.John Kimbull
88.Good Bub
91.Dead Dennis Morre
95.Curly49 SW Corner
96.Dhavid Grohl
97.Dhavid Grohl
105.Mecha Omega
106.Nephilim O'Dell
107.Bryan Cathark
111.Pvt Perkins
112.Trent Kane
114.Dave the Wave
115.Ella Fenris
118.Suzy Swallows
119.Toshi Nagata
120.Toshi Nagata
123.Baked Monkey
127.Grimch's Epenis
128. Captain J Quinones
129. personn 15
130. Fliptop
131. JackAscii
132. Xelro
133. JackOrtiz
134. le bourreau
135. Kas Tuk
136. Deletion
137. Adaya
138. Cameron Vale
139. Blake Firedancer
140. Nicholai Petrov
141.Jeremy Daniels
142. RPD Chris022345
143. Sl4rt1b4rtf4st
144. ratt finklestein
145. Foster Reed
146. Armv
147. Kid Kill
148. Lt Sandyman
149. Slatkij
150. Anita Moorhead
151. Robert Halftree
152. Pedders
153. Zaarik
154. Officer Raleigh
155. Professor Boognish
156. ZBQW
157. Asrei
158. squishier
159. kar98
160. Shadowsnipe
161. Marcus Banes
162. Bladistorkem
163. Paul Ravenclaw
164. Hmelly Eggs
165. Sorvetero
166. Andrew Quaney
167. Light Yagumi
168. Mathew Blackburn
169. a very handsome fellow
170. Leccy Kev
171. Manuel Davis
172. Ryulong
173. drek47
174. Letit Out
175. Fatkat
176. Sethsurvives
177. MiniGemmel
178. Axelady
179. CrAzY KilLeR JaY123
180. Corinthia
181. Tim McMurder
182. Lunchbox of the 308
183. Capt Winters
184. Ass Hulk
185. Asshulk
186. Killroy Kutter
187. Jack Priestly
188. Scoot5
189. liens
190. Asshulk
191. JosKarith
192. Bucky Tesla
193.Adam R
194. xDarkstalkerx
195. iamwillow
196. Fansay
197. Bear Cat
198. xReaperxXp
199. KingKnut
200. BarryLiao
201. Dyran
202. MrAddled
203. Markus Silverkin
204. stone 18
205. Speels
206. Ultimate Spiderman
207. Arrawan
208. Mark Sodder
209. BigErn Mccracken
210. Todd Weaverly
211. Ill Vice
212. Ryan Lynch
213. nmr
214. DAAAN
215. Sarge Johnson
216. hardcoreFAKing
217. Joshua Creed
218. tassellhoff burfoot
219. Josh Clark
220. Fyra Twill
221. brian mercat
222. itemcrash
223. Oto Bismark
224. Bubs180
225. dallas354
226. Summoning Redemption
227. Stu Lantz
228. Ranger Walker
229. Strayla
230. Cliff Machete
231. Bad Touch Bob
232. Ron El
233. Adtheus
234. ishootzombiez
235. Doc Pokenprod
236. Uchiha Survivor
237. goat hammer
238. AlvaroMesa
239. JonPB
240. Darlocke
241. CiscoKitty
242. Selector
243. mein sohn
244. Rocky Ford
245. Dark Butters
246. Noelani Kiele
248. Nathan Arnold
249. Dortho
250. Beef Ref
251. Eric Bessette
252. Calvin Duerkson
253. Edward Katanahands
254. dipcup
255. brian mercat
256. chosen 0ne
257. TheLostProphet
258. Zhou Cang
259. conflict99
260. danceyman
261. Lihe
262. Russel Oakley
263. ezra d
264. Tiac Ektorg
265. DrQuincy
266. Don Denton
267. Maya X
268. Da Ninja
269. Janus Abernathy
270. Damia Lockheart
271. labine10
272. Majkel1
273. carlton's brother
274. Kane Izzy
275. Eric Bessette
276. Poppa Kzarr
277. subupelle
279. neoboy
280. Threeven
281. HK 50
282. Lorettka
283. Dr Hau
284. Yakui
285. splicers
286. Dr Aki Ross
287. Beard Hunter
288. indereth
289. WhatIsUp
290. Dirk Dirka
291. I am a Gynecologist
292. Garland Oak
293. CatTw
294. Mr Prokhorov
295. Joiliet Jake
296. Eve Brea
297. scott tamms
298. Trask MD
299. krankyxx
300. sbr
301. Concetta Medicci
302. gaming enygma
303. Eyesburn
304. Willard J Higgins
305. Ash TheKing Williams
306. Alex Trebak
307. mormon scout
308. Cinthiar
309. Sir Sardaukar
310. 00DUCK
311. DrHygglo
312. Damiel
313. Rebecca Harris
314. heartlesshero
315. me310
316. Speels
317. Simon Beckett
318. Nauta
319. chosen 0ne
320. Dissonus
321. bucknaked jihad
322. Morris O'Brian
323. Papa Nixon
324. BriAnna Blackmoor
325. spaz kid
326. Red Clown
327. Hiiragi Kagami
328. Diriana
329. Arkham Black
330. Doctor Mudd
331. warlord266
332. Dinky's Best
333. Jayne M Cobb
334. Sonia Templeton
335. Astara
336. Dagger Exonar
337. dranian
338. Dinky's Best
-- Lost some stuff ---
339. Christopher Whalken
340. RAD24
341. Urmnaf
342. cistern64
343. kar98
344. Papa Nixon
345. Tom Suffer
346. PeterTheNoob
347. Sabiene
348. Winnan
349. Morris O'Brian
350. Numtini
351. Angel Wolf
352. Peter MacGahara
353. Dominatrix
355.Sable Maiara
357. Jeffrey Thompson
358. Jeff Graham Thompson
359. Twin Strippers
360. prudence's aunt
361. Iwan Griffiths
362. Sgt Axel Drakon
363. ykl
364. RevTrev
365. Corsec
366. zombieki11er02
367. Timberon
368. Ed Poe
369. Dedagin
370. Fire Down Below
371. Nurse Sakura
372. Tanis half elf
373. Nervous Harold
374. JustTesting
375. Sentar
376. Deadfacehugger
377. Legias
378. playb0y88nd
379. Mr Twilight
380. Brick Tamberland
381. steelblade
382. Eric Parkers
383. Steve Malvinas
384. stepdead
385. M4rduK
386. Malcolm Andersson
387. Daniel777111
388. Shyox
389. Kyril Solas
390. Ciscokitty
391. alwayz1
392. donindrek
393. tymyshoe21
394. Nevermhr
395. bubblykiss
396. Dirk Dirka
397. terter
398. stepkill
399. stepkill
400. Bob the Onion
401. Bruno Oliveira
402. Gore Girl
403. alwayzwrong
404. alwayzlate
405. JeremyR
406. silasw
407. Bullet Jake
408. TowUp
409. alwayzme
410. lenny1
411. redman1337
412. shani1
413. gumshoe
414. Moral Compass
415. abba1
416. alwayzme
417. Kimitake Hiraoka
418. Cheveyo
419. shakey23
421. Blazing Saddle
422. Duke D'oeuvre
423. savior999
424. Dark Blue Helmet
425. 63464647946794616912
426. Amanda Hugankiss
427. Wasabeee
428. DeadHorn
- 428ish murders -
- 412ish different humans dead by my hands -
Last Updated: 23rd February, 2010
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Red Dawn
So it's been a while since I posted last. And yes, I know every time I let this blog slip off my list of things to do for some months I use the same excuse every time: I was busy. But this time it's actually a valid excuse as opposed to a stock line. I've been incredibly busy orchestrating wars or rather "operations."
It began relatively mildly. Thug and Claybourne wandered down to Wyke Hills after our brief rhomp through Vinetown. And I followed, not really wanting to stay too long but in no real hurry to wander off. Thug kept on going on about some fellow shooting him. Since Thug is not wanted, I told him to report it to the proper authorities. He didn't listen. I wasn't really in the mood to give him orders. So instead I meandered around the area killing randomly.
Ron El, Adtheus and ishootzombiez died to sate my homicidal whims. It was getting a bit dull. So I wandered north a bit and, purely by accident, found a spy by the name of Doc Pokenprod.
The wind took me further north to Stanbury where I found Uchiha Survivor, who was badly in need of a makeover.

However it would seem that for the first time ever kismet had led me astray. Things had been heating up down south. Thug and Claybourne had been getting killed nearly daily by a group by the name of Dawn Patrol. And as it happens, Dawn Patrol were involved in a certain hit on harnap cinema back in september. The consequences of which involved myself and Mike LeGrande shooting up their little safehouse followed by a sermon by Sir Jakob. We missed our photo opportunities back then. It wasn't going to happen again. I left Stanbury that night.
Goat hammer was the first to die. In their own headquarters for fucks sake. I could tell this was going to be like shooting retarded space monkeys all over again. Not to say it wasn't fun, in fact it was incredibly amusing. That same night, AlvaroMesa died too. And then
JonPB, again in Dawn Patrol's headquarters.
I'd only been in town for 4 days and already I needed to restock. I ended up spending way more than I should have that day on some flower child. And again the next night whilest clubbing with a friend. It was worth it though. Strangest thing about the south, I seem to always end up singing kareoke down here. Could have been the red rum, or maybe the drugs. Maybe its something in the water.
It was time to focus again. Thankfully, due to the tireless efforts of Claybourne and Thug, we had a goal. I am less inclined to listen to survivors who appeal to the club as I don't believe they really need our help. Each individual is capable of doing what we do. "What one man can do, so can another." It might take time, dedication and assistance. You gotta crawl before you can walk and all that...but there's little to no difference between what I do and what any other regular survivor does. We all kill. We're all capable of cruelty. We all deny others of pleasure. Most survivors are more cruel than your average murderer on a daily basis. At least when I kill I'll send my victim off with a speech. Survivors see zombies, murderers and vandals as targets. No names, no humans, just a blotch identifying a target in their crosshairs. It's the banality of evil; ordinary people are compelled to obey authorities, follow the majority, fall in line and pull the trigger when someone assures them that they're doing something positive, be it in the name of science, the "re-awakening of a nation's spirit" or battling the grey menace in Ridleybank. You, dear reader, you survivors...you're just like me except I've looked into the abyss and even as a monster, I'm no where near as repulsive, dishonest or cowardly as you. You complain that a newbie gets murdered when you've probably been sitting in the same safehouse, in the same green suburb behind the same EHB barricades for your entire life. I kill without discrimination and experience no guilt, no shame, no remorse. I know better than to expect the best of humanity. It is in our nature to kill and consume until we're dead I've never apologised for what I am and I never will. In fact, in a city where most people follow, I'm proud to say that the only will I follow is my own. "Do what thou wilt shall be the only law," sayeth Crowley et al.
It was only through Thug and Claybourne's fabulous diplomacy skills that we were able to find direction and an in-road for Red Rum.
What followed was a proposal from two former members of Dawn Patrol. They'd spy for us, we'd kill. While this could have been a double or indeed a triple cross, all things considered, we didn't need them to spy for us and we didn't need another excuse to kill Dawn Patrol. They just really wanted in on it. So, we opened up a few channels and invited Red Rum along for the ride. What followed was rather astonishing.
What had started as tit-for-tat had escallated into a full blown war.
The Hunting Club drew their plans against Nurcombe bank. Let's be clear here: this was premeditated. We'd been stalking this target for some 3 days. As Claybourne refueled the generator, goat hammer stumbled out of bed bleary eyed and confused. Not wanting to give him the time to alert the others to their impending doom, dipcup and Claybourne unloaded into his barely conscious face with dipcup taking the kill. This was followed by what can only be described as a blood bath, dipcup made kar98 his second kill for the night, Senator Icnatius slaughtered Running fox777, JonPB and b0bzor while I was happily pumping Selector full of holes.
And to top it off I trashed the joint. Claybourne was not satisfied and wandered off to have his own little after party with a makeamove and a bottle of RED RUM. I believe the Duke had a score to settle, or a play to direct with DrQuincy or something. I'm sure he'll correct me on the details. But I slept soundly all night in my brand new EHB dark Pinata.
The next day I wandered over to the local rotter's relief for a revive. Kindly they provided it, whilest GioV ate mein sohn's brains. I took this opportunity to become better acquainted with mein sohn. By this stage, Dawn Patrol were feigning surrender. We went along with it. And I took a little time out to pass on the regards of a friend to Rocky Ford.
Pretty soon it was apparent to us at least that diplomacy was not getting us anywhere with Dawn Patrol. And it was time to start turning the heat up. DORIS ended up getting in on it. Their main targets were twice removed from Dawn Patrol, purely because Dawn Patrol were busy eating dirt sandwiches. DORIS were going after Anti-Zombie Squad, (formerly known as Anti-Zombie Suad,) who were allies and friends of Dawn Patrol. Fuck knows why. One of their leaders disliked Dawn Patrol's attitude as much as I did. But hell, DORIS events are fun. And their motives usually turn out to be right in the end.
So I killed Dark Butters. After which a certain Noelani Kiel had the audacity to suggest that I stop killing without a purpose. I've said this once before: reasons are for survivors. Everyone deserves to die. Everyone will die. Whether they decide to stand up to die again is their decision. And if they made that decision, they deserve to die again. This is the cycle of life in Malton. You're either worm food, or cannon fodder. Anyhow, I took her up on this offer and tightened my aim to include her.
And with that matter cleared, I got back to hunting Dawn Patrol and AZS again. HEMRAGE bled out. Nathan Arnold sucked on the floorboards. Dortho lost the game. Beef Ref bit the pavement. Eric Bessette was executed for crimes against zombies. Turns out he was a necrophilliac. I just figured in these enlightened times we live in there is simply no excuse for declaring one's self as "anti-zombie." And Calvin Duerkson became a corpse at my convenience.
At this point a fellow Rummer approached me about the state of Dawn Patrol's headquarters. After being painted in the blood of its residents several times over, it was still standing. Myself, DaTank and dipcup took the liberty of evicting some loiterers and condemning the building. That's 2 EHB pinatas for those keeping score at home.
And finally the bounty hunters caught on. I managed to catch some face to face time with brian mercat again.

At least kismet was smiling upon me again; she chose to place chosen 0ne in the way of my gun while I was shooting it.

And again, TheLostProphet

And finally, Zhou Cang:

He would have been the icing on the cake if he'd provided a more full picture of the event. However, he goes down on my list as just another hypocritical RG slave. I can't respect slaves, regardless of what chains they wear.
I was in need of some new hunting grounds. I said my goodbyes to conflict99 and headed off in search of some fresh meat.
I pondered hanging around Joachim and Lumber for a while. Survivors are pretty stingy with their needles over that way though. At least danceyman and Lihe provided some fleeting entertainment.
I don't think I'll be over this way for long. I might swing through Vinetown again. I have been called back to the south already. I only left it a few days ago. Well, I guess it's been nearly a week. And DORIS and Red Rum seem pretty adamant on keeping AZS and Dawn Patrol on the ground. There's also another mall tour simply chomping at the bit to devistate the entire south-central region of Malton. I'll wait for kismet to drop something in my lap before I decide to head back that way though. For now, I'm happy to go wherever the wind takes me.
It began relatively mildly. Thug and Claybourne wandered down to Wyke Hills after our brief rhomp through Vinetown. And I followed, not really wanting to stay too long but in no real hurry to wander off. Thug kept on going on about some fellow shooting him. Since Thug is not wanted, I told him to report it to the proper authorities. He didn't listen. I wasn't really in the mood to give him orders. So instead I meandered around the area killing randomly.
Ron El, Adtheus and ishootzombiez died to sate my homicidal whims. It was getting a bit dull. So I wandered north a bit and, purely by accident, found a spy by the name of Doc Pokenprod.
The wind took me further north to Stanbury where I found Uchiha Survivor, who was badly in need of a makeover.
However it would seem that for the first time ever kismet had led me astray. Things had been heating up down south. Thug and Claybourne had been getting killed nearly daily by a group by the name of Dawn Patrol. And as it happens, Dawn Patrol were involved in a certain hit on harnap cinema back in september. The consequences of which involved myself and Mike LeGrande shooting up their little safehouse followed by a sermon by Sir Jakob. We missed our photo opportunities back then. It wasn't going to happen again. I left Stanbury that night.
Goat hammer was the first to die. In their own headquarters for fucks sake. I could tell this was going to be like shooting retarded space monkeys all over again. Not to say it wasn't fun, in fact it was incredibly amusing. That same night, AlvaroMesa died too. And then
JonPB, again in Dawn Patrol's headquarters.
I'd only been in town for 4 days and already I needed to restock. I ended up spending way more than I should have that day on some flower child. And again the next night whilest clubbing with a friend. It was worth it though. Strangest thing about the south, I seem to always end up singing kareoke down here. Could have been the red rum, or maybe the drugs. Maybe its something in the water.
It was time to focus again. Thankfully, due to the tireless efforts of Claybourne and Thug, we had a goal. I am less inclined to listen to survivors who appeal to the club as I don't believe they really need our help. Each individual is capable of doing what we do. "What one man can do, so can another." It might take time, dedication and assistance. You gotta crawl before you can walk and all that...but there's little to no difference between what I do and what any other regular survivor does. We all kill. We're all capable of cruelty. We all deny others of pleasure. Most survivors are more cruel than your average murderer on a daily basis. At least when I kill I'll send my victim off with a speech. Survivors see zombies, murderers and vandals as targets. No names, no humans, just a blotch identifying a target in their crosshairs. It's the banality of evil; ordinary people are compelled to obey authorities, follow the majority, fall in line and pull the trigger when someone assures them that they're doing something positive, be it in the name of science, the "re-awakening of a nation's spirit" or battling the grey menace in Ridleybank. You, dear reader, you survivors...you're just like me except I've looked into the abyss and even as a monster, I'm no where near as repulsive, dishonest or cowardly as you. You complain that a newbie gets murdered when you've probably been sitting in the same safehouse, in the same green suburb behind the same EHB barricades for your entire life. I kill without discrimination and experience no guilt, no shame, no remorse. I know better than to expect the best of humanity. It is in our nature to kill and consume until we're dead I've never apologised for what I am and I never will. In fact, in a city where most people follow, I'm proud to say that the only will I follow is my own. "Do what thou wilt shall be the only law," sayeth Crowley et al.
It was only through Thug and Claybourne's fabulous diplomacy skills that we were able to find direction and an in-road for Red Rum.
"First of all I wish to apologize also for any past pk'ing we might have done to you or your group. Now me and Atiku are not exactly pleased with dawn patrols actions and members, they have obvious furry tendencies and are some of the most idiotic people I have ever encountered with no sense of decency or respect."
What followed was a proposal from two former members of Dawn Patrol. They'd spy for us, we'd kill. While this could have been a double or indeed a triple cross, all things considered, we didn't need them to spy for us and we didn't need another excuse to kill Dawn Patrol. They just really wanted in on it. So, we opened up a few channels and invited Red Rum along for the ride. What followed was rather astonishing.
What had started as tit-for-tat had escallated into a full blown war.
The Hunting Club drew their plans against Nurcombe bank. Let's be clear here: this was premeditated. We'd been stalking this target for some 3 days. As Claybourne refueled the generator, goat hammer stumbled out of bed bleary eyed and confused. Not wanting to give him the time to alert the others to their impending doom, dipcup and Claybourne unloaded into his barely conscious face with dipcup taking the kill. This was followed by what can only be described as a blood bath, dipcup made kar98 his second kill for the night, Senator Icnatius slaughtered Running fox777, JonPB and b0bzor while I was happily pumping Selector full of holes.
And to top it off I trashed the joint. Claybourne was not satisfied and wandered off to have his own little after party with a makeamove and a bottle of RED RUM. I believe the Duke had a score to settle, or a play to direct with DrQuincy or something. I'm sure he'll correct me on the details. But I slept soundly all night in my brand new EHB dark Pinata.
The next day I wandered over to the local rotter's relief for a revive. Kindly they provided it, whilest GioV ate mein sohn's brains. I took this opportunity to become better acquainted with mein sohn. By this stage, Dawn Patrol were feigning surrender. We went along with it. And I took a little time out to pass on the regards of a friend to Rocky Ford.
Pretty soon it was apparent to us at least that diplomacy was not getting us anywhere with Dawn Patrol. And it was time to start turning the heat up. DORIS ended up getting in on it. Their main targets were twice removed from Dawn Patrol, purely because Dawn Patrol were busy eating dirt sandwiches. DORIS were going after Anti-Zombie Squad, (formerly known as Anti-Zombie Suad,) who were allies and friends of Dawn Patrol. Fuck knows why. One of their leaders disliked Dawn Patrol's attitude as much as I did. But hell, DORIS events are fun. And their motives usually turn out to be right in the end.
So I killed Dark Butters. After which a certain Noelani Kiel had the audacity to suggest that I stop killing without a purpose. I've said this once before: reasons are for survivors. Everyone deserves to die. Everyone will die. Whether they decide to stand up to die again is their decision. And if they made that decision, they deserve to die again. This is the cycle of life in Malton. You're either worm food, or cannon fodder. Anyhow, I took her up on this offer and tightened my aim to include her.
And with that matter cleared, I got back to hunting Dawn Patrol and AZS again. HEMRAGE bled out. Nathan Arnold sucked on the floorboards. Dortho lost the game. Beef Ref bit the pavement. Eric Bessette was executed for crimes against zombies. Turns out he was a necrophilliac. I just figured in these enlightened times we live in there is simply no excuse for declaring one's self as "anti-zombie." And Calvin Duerkson became a corpse at my convenience.
At this point a fellow Rummer approached me about the state of Dawn Patrol's headquarters. After being painted in the blood of its residents several times over, it was still standing. Myself, DaTank and dipcup took the liberty of evicting some loiterers and condemning the building. That's 2 EHB pinatas for those keeping score at home.
And finally the bounty hunters caught on. I managed to catch some face to face time with brian mercat again.
At least kismet was smiling upon me again; she chose to place chosen 0ne in the way of my gun while I was shooting it.
And again, TheLostProphet
And finally, Zhou Cang:
He would have been the icing on the cake if he'd provided a more full picture of the event. However, he goes down on my list as just another hypocritical RG slave. I can't respect slaves, regardless of what chains they wear.
I was in need of some new hunting grounds. I said my goodbyes to conflict99 and headed off in search of some fresh meat.
I pondered hanging around Joachim and Lumber for a while. Survivors are pretty stingy with their needles over that way though. At least danceyman and Lihe provided some fleeting entertainment.
I don't think I'll be over this way for long. I might swing through Vinetown again. I have been called back to the south already. I only left it a few days ago. Well, I guess it's been nearly a week. And DORIS and Red Rum seem pretty adamant on keeping AZS and Dawn Patrol on the ground. There's also another mall tour simply chomping at the bit to devistate the entire south-central region of Malton. I'll wait for kismet to drop something in my lap before I decide to head back that way though. For now, I'm happy to go wherever the wind takes me.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Breath Is Just A Clock...Ticking
Well here we are again. Another year. It's all fresh and new, or so they'd have you believe. About the only thing that really changes is the faces on the corpses at my feet. Maybe some see that as bleak. I'm still having fun though. As long as there are people out there, real people who are happy to die, kill or bring life back into this city, I'll keep doing this. Especially since there are so many trusting, naive townies to take advantage of.
I spent a good deal these last two months down in MCM. It felt good to converse with some of my former targets as well as the staff and students there. South Blythville is a fun town and I couldn't resist the occasional random murder. A number of more specific targets got in my way. However I never hunted Sarge Johnson and I still for the life of me can't remember why he was on my naughty list. Oh well, he's dead now. Zerger hardcoreFAKing died too.
And with the best of intentions I stayed on at MCM, assisting as a meat shield mostly, as I did very little killing while in the area. Cobra13 made an appearance as well. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't mutilate my corpse, like he promised some...well almost a year ago now. And then there was norfolk n good aka doberman guy. His opinion really meant nothing to me since, well, he's zerg listed.
But apparently getting killed byzergs DEM, barricading for MCM and talking was being hostile, at least, according one supposed DEM leader and Tookey...it all got very repetitive. Especially since I was well aware of the neutral zone policies oh...about six months ago when I violated them to help out a friend who's since left Malton. In any case, the idiots who got all upset over getting murdered over six months ago have escallated due to a deficit of attention. I suppose they figure the more idiotic they act, the more publicity. Which might be true, but there are steaming piles of idiots all across Malton. Indeed there are billions of them right across the planet. What difference is one more dead one? Why should I waste my energy? I achieved what I was trying to do with a couple bullets in the right place six months ago. To dwell on that would be pretty stupid especially when there are much more interesting, fun targets all around me. It's always how I've managed to perservere in spite of and because of adversity. I have fun. I kill, I am killed, I laugh, I win. I enjoy watching others flail about and eventually become drowned out, swallowed up by pits of their own bullshit. Cruelty doesn't even come into it when one considers the state of affairs in Malton. And I won't deny I'm cruel, manipulative, condescending, detatched, spiteful, wrathful and sometimes downright arrogant. I don't deny that at all. I never claimed to be a saint. I do however, come off like a martyr. Just like christ heh. There's one vital difference though: I don't love my enemies. I have no enemies. They don't exist.
Anyhow, it was time to make some heads roll. Tasselhoff Burfoot died in place of doberman guy who was incapacitated by the time I was ready to fire.
The real reason I wasn't doing much killing was because I was waiting for the right moment to give a lecture. But I absolutely had to formally invite Josh Clark since he was good enough to put me in one of his little propaganda films.

The lecture never happened. But the demonstration I had planned with a couple other rummers, namely dipcup, Duke D'ouevre and Claybourne Duvall went off with a bang.

But my presence in MCM was becoming a bit of a problem. Not for the staff or students but for the Bounty Hunters and the idiots.
So I slept off campus for a while. Naturally I figured one of the 9000 bounty hunters in the area would take advantage of this. And fortunately it was the lovely Fyra Twill. Arthur, to answer your question: I love the south west and yes, I was indeed enjoying the area. The reason I didn't answer you back was because I had to run across town to thank Fyra for stopping by.

I came to rest in the Catcott building in Mornington with aPathetic Bill. I wasn't sure I'd wake up alive. I wasn't certain I wouldn't. But I didn't. Not so much as a call the next day when I was still pretty sure I existed. Hmph. At least Team America were pleased to see me, even if I did miss their christmas carol spectacular inside MCM.
And then there was Brian Mercat. He'd been making claims in MCM. Can't really fault him for it. Myself and a number of others were easy prey there and he wasn't using the neutral zone except to hunt. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't come and claim me again. Perhaps I should be grateful? Either way, I had Red Rum business over in Vinetown. That lecture was going to have to wait yet again. And so myself, the Duke, dipcup and a number of other rummers ran all the way across town. The best part of this was that the bounty hunters were three days behind. So I had a little time to do some celebrating.

And the all was merry and bright. A close personal friend even dropped by to share some rum.

Of course, I tend to over exert myself on holidays. I popped next door to a railway station to sleep off my hangover. This was where I met Stu Lantz, a bright, dashing or, at the very least enthusiastic chap with overly amourous tendancies. I must say, I do have a soft spot for romantics. And Stu was definitely no exception. Indeed, after he axed me for my digits, I was compelled to hit him back.

This left me out in the middle of Houldenbank. And I found myself dead again the next day at the hands of some random brutish amatuer. But all was not lost. Stu was kind enough to arrange a revive for me. And I must say, I don't think I've ever been pricked quite so...uniquely.
I was rather surprised to find some interesting people over this way. I suppose I haven't really given the area much of a chance. Whenever I've been over in Vinetown, Osmondville or the surrounds, it's usually been a brief visit.
In any case, it was new years eve and I decided to spend it it with one of these interesting locals. Much of that night was spent talking...I had a feeling it wouldn't be our last meeting though so I wasn't disappointed to see that Stu had up and wandered off when I woke up.
And it was business as usual the next day. Some random murderer posing as a cop caught the brunt of my hangover. But as I was wandering around outside the night before, looking for a revive point, I noticed a certain "upstart" bounty hunter. I say upstart. Really she's top of her game and almost ready to retire. One of the few bounty hunters in Malton I respect as, not only a peer but an elite huntress. In fact, I'd not even been looking for her as I hadn't ever expected to find her before her retirement. Again I'll chalk this one up as kismet smiling upon me.
Then it was back to business as usual. Cliff Machete died, as did Bad Touch Bob. But Bad Touch Bob was just sloppy seconds. I was getting restless. I needed to move again. But not before Stu and Josh stopped by with wishes of wellness.
I suppose it was fortunate that I received an invitation to dance with the Philosophe Knights back on the West side of Malton. I only suppose it fortunate as I could not stay long. However I did stay long enough to run into Zaruthustra. And thus he spake.
I spent a good deal these last two months down in MCM. It felt good to converse with some of my former targets as well as the staff and students there. South Blythville is a fun town and I couldn't resist the occasional random murder. A number of more specific targets got in my way. However I never hunted Sarge Johnson and I still for the life of me can't remember why he was on my naughty list. Oh well, he's dead now. Zerger hardcoreFAKing died too.
And with the best of intentions I stayed on at MCM, assisting as a meat shield mostly, as I did very little killing while in the area. Cobra13 made an appearance as well. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't mutilate my corpse, like he promised some...well almost a year ago now. And then there was norfolk n good aka doberman guy. His opinion really meant nothing to me since, well, he's zerg listed.
But apparently getting killed by
Anyhow, it was time to make some heads roll. Tasselhoff Burfoot died in place of doberman guy who was incapacitated by the time I was ready to fire.
The real reason I wasn't doing much killing was because I was waiting for the right moment to give a lecture. But I absolutely had to formally invite Josh Clark since he was good enough to put me in one of his little propaganda films.
The lecture never happened. But the demonstration I had planned with a couple other rummers, namely dipcup, Duke D'ouevre and Claybourne Duvall went off with a bang.
But my presence in MCM was becoming a bit of a problem. Not for the staff or students but for the Bounty Hunters and the idiots.
So I slept off campus for a while. Naturally I figured one of the 9000 bounty hunters in the area would take advantage of this. And fortunately it was the lovely Fyra Twill. Arthur, to answer your question: I love the south west and yes, I was indeed enjoying the area. The reason I didn't answer you back was because I had to run across town to thank Fyra for stopping by.
I came to rest in the Catcott building in Mornington with aPathetic Bill. I wasn't sure I'd wake up alive. I wasn't certain I wouldn't. But I didn't. Not so much as a call the next day when I was still pretty sure I existed. Hmph. At least Team America were pleased to see me, even if I did miss their christmas carol spectacular inside MCM.
And then there was Brian Mercat. He'd been making claims in MCM. Can't really fault him for it. Myself and a number of others were easy prey there and he wasn't using the neutral zone except to hunt. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't come and claim me again. Perhaps I should be grateful? Either way, I had Red Rum business over in Vinetown. That lecture was going to have to wait yet again. And so myself, the Duke, dipcup and a number of other rummers ran all the way across town. The best part of this was that the bounty hunters were three days behind. So I had a little time to do some celebrating.
And the all was merry and bright. A close personal friend even dropped by to share some rum.
Of course, I tend to over exert myself on holidays. I popped next door to a railway station to sleep off my hangover. This was where I met Stu Lantz, a bright, dashing or, at the very least enthusiastic chap with overly amourous tendancies. I must say, I do have a soft spot for romantics. And Stu was definitely no exception. Indeed, after he axed me for my digits, I was compelled to hit him back.
This left me out in the middle of Houldenbank. And I found myself dead again the next day at the hands of some random brutish amatuer. But all was not lost. Stu was kind enough to arrange a revive for me. And I must say, I don't think I've ever been pricked quite so...uniquely.
I was rather surprised to find some interesting people over this way. I suppose I haven't really given the area much of a chance. Whenever I've been over in Vinetown, Osmondville or the surrounds, it's usually been a brief visit.
In any case, it was new years eve and I decided to spend it it with one of these interesting locals. Much of that night was spent talking...I had a feeling it wouldn't be our last meeting though so I wasn't disappointed to see that Stu had up and wandered off when I woke up.
And it was business as usual the next day. Some random murderer posing as a cop caught the brunt of my hangover. But as I was wandering around outside the night before, looking for a revive point, I noticed a certain "upstart" bounty hunter. I say upstart. Really she's top of her game and almost ready to retire. One of the few bounty hunters in Malton I respect as, not only a peer but an elite huntress. In fact, I'd not even been looking for her as I hadn't ever expected to find her before her retirement. Again I'll chalk this one up as kismet smiling upon me.
Then it was back to business as usual. Cliff Machete died, as did Bad Touch Bob. But Bad Touch Bob was just sloppy seconds. I was getting restless. I needed to move again. But not before Stu and Josh stopped by with wishes of wellness.
I suppose it was fortunate that I received an invitation to dance with the Philosophe Knights back on the West side of Malton. I only suppose it fortunate as I could not stay long. However I did stay long enough to run into Zaruthustra. And thus he spake.
"Before you they feel small, and their baseness glimmers and glows in invisible revenge. Have you not noticed how often they became mute when you stepped among them, and how their strength went from them like smoke from a dying fire? Indeed, my friend, you are the bad conscience of your neighbors: for they are unworthy of you. They hate you, therefore, and would like to suck your blood. Your neighbors will always be poisonous flies; that which is great in you, just that must make them more poisonous and more like flies. Flee, my friend, into your solitude and where the air is raw and strong! It is not your lot to shoo flies."
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