I had been wandering around Pimbank and Peppardville for a while, at a bit of a loss as to what to do next since the person I'd been tracking back in Roftwood had slipped out of my grasp yet again while I was sleeping in Tynte Mall. After a brief encounter with the zombie Drooplis, I headed north to find a Necrotech building. After a brief nap, I woke up to find that I'd been murdered in my sleep by someone who went by the name of hurricaine635. He had dumped my body out on the street. Baffled by this new found deathiness and even more baffled by the unannounced and seemingly random murder, I wandered over to the revive point and stood there for a few hours. Again I witnessed hurricaine kill two patients waiting for a revive.
In the back of my mind a theory had been weaving together autonomously. I suspected that I'd been executed by one of the members of Creedy Defence Force or one of their affiliates for killing one of their guys. It matters not. The fellow I murdered is still a zombie.
I wasn't having much luck at the revive point. In fact, I ended up wandering northwards to find a revive point in Millen Hills. This journey had left me still quite alert, even still, I decided to kick back and chill. Unfortunately, my rest was disturbed by a rather large axe in my back. A young fellow by the name of Jim Braddock decided to test out his strength on my spine. While this was irritating, he didn't do too much damage and I managed to scare him off with a rather threatening growl.
I decided to rest a while longer to recover. This time, a fellow with a gas mask with some straws popping out of it decided to come over for a bit of target practice. Since I had passed out I was easy prey. I caught a glimpse of him as he wandered off towards a church. He was a member, nay, the leader of a group known as Deus Ex Machina.
This annoyed me. I decided to move further north since the revive point was not well marked in spite of how clear it was on my map. Again, shot and killed by a member of Deus Ex Machina. Rob Rapacki this time. He seemed fairly naive so I was more ready to let it slide.
Again I headed north-west in search of that blue fluid. I exhausted myself wandering around the south of East Boundwood only to be told to go east for a quicker revive. Eventually I found what appeared to be a revive point in the north eastern part of Millen Hills on Dawes Street. After 2 days of waiting around for a revive and several attempts on my life, 3 of which were successful, I slept in the street hoping that the needle would restore the senses I'd lost with the axe and bullet wounds. If I'd known getting a revive in this suburb was so hard I'd have stayed and taken my chances with the incompetant army men in Peppardville.
I awakened gradually to cool flecks of snow on my cheeks. I felt cold. I was alive...barely. Quickly I rushed for a nearby building to find it heavily barricaded. The next was only strongly barricaded so I climbed in and ran through the halls of the abandoned school climbing through the window into a Police station next door. Here I recovered for a short time, the cold still tingling on my lips, nose, cheeks and ears. My hands were pumping with blood again. Soon my legs weren't so stiff. I moved south to the church.
Here I sat and waited in a confessional. There were a few people sleeping in pews and around the alter. I recognised mage57 there. I studied them for a couple hours. They didn't seem to be doing much of anything except sleeping.
I raised my shotgun, stepped out of the booth and into the hall.
Shot mage full of holes. He bled all over the lovely red carpet. As the gas mask filled with blood and he spluttered and reeled at what was happening I declared:
And shot him:
After dumping his body outside, I decided to take an eye for an eye. Since Rob Rapacki was no where to be found, I disposed of the group's "bouncer" who was in need of a little Nietzschean re-education.
That's gonna hurt tomorrow.
I feel sorry for them really. Playing dress ups in the middle of a quarantine zone seems to be a little...well, childish. Perhaps they went mad. Maybe they looked older than they really were. Who knows? Who cares? They'll have fun finding out about revive points in their little suburb.
Since this little issue has been resolved, I'm going to get back on task. Not sure where to begin again really. This change of clothes is nice though and I'm learning fast about first aid.
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