On my way I was offered an opportunity to join the IRS. These corporate go-getters are cleaning up the streets of Malton. Since I've an associate in Monroeville who started out doing exactly that, I decided to apply.
It wasn't very satisfying I've got to admit. So eventually I ended up in Giddings. I saw a few friends around...but decided to take care of my urges first.
I sent a shout out to Tolkein Black Man over the radio and Jesusowns. Before heading over to the Fortress of Prostitution's clinic to sleep. It was here Vigilis enquired about joining the hunting club. I invited him officially but the approval process can be terribly slow. Vigilis, should you wish to contact myself or the Duke to see where your application is in the queue, you might want to join us in chat some time. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to see him reply as a rather rude bounty hunter murdered me.
After being headshot 1 too many times by inexperienced humans, I decided to make my way over to Stanbury. It's no short trip and I'd been mulling over the decision since Pegton. I was initially asked to join DORIS, the Philosophe Knights, Red Rum and the Spartans in Gibsonton to fight Imperium. And I had every intention of heading up there from Pitneybank. But I've also had some unfinished business in Stanbury for some time now and threats from the secret six only added to the appeal. So I stood in the revive point and was quickly revived by one of the Kilt Store staff. I lay resting in grass in Yeoman Park for some time. I may have been a little sunstroked by the time I woke up. But I was still in the mood...
Unfortunately it was strictly business. A good friend in the area had informed me that NemesisReborn had murdered a brain rotted survivor. Not wishing to give away my informant, I sent him on his way with a rather cryptic message.
Piglug was also on my hitlist. He's a local thug who has also been griefing brain rotted survivors. He's been at it for some time. I didn't bother with a warning.
All this work and the sunstroke tired me out. Luckily, I was able to rest a little while in the Kilt store before retiring to the library next door. Unfortunately, Tai Tao Ren, a chap whom I'm vaguely familiar with from an earlier encounter in Wyke Hills, didn't take too kindly to my hunting in the Kilt Store. I wouldn't have done in the store itself, but the job was pressing and I was anxious to get to sleep.
Regardless, the Owner of the Kilt Store himself revived me and prodded me gently to purchase a kilt. I would have but I was more anxious to get some more business done. I apologised to the kilt store staff and patrons before scouting around a little. A few moments later I stumbled upon a couple of people in the whale building that looked suspiciously like members of The Secret Six.
So I shot him.
And his team mate.
I was dissatisfied with Stanbury's reception however at least I got a little respect from Marcus Banes. Could have done without being shot, though t'was a fair claim he made. I'm really more disappointed that my lovely new outfit now has bullet holes and blood flecks on it. Sort of defeats the purpose of wearing white.
Anyhow after yet another revive, I'd had enough of strange Scotts making suggestions on my fashion sense, vengeful Japanese tourists and rent-a-cops shooting at me, so I decided to head a little ways north to Tynte Mall. Exhausted I collapsed inside. I was hoping to last the night since there were only a few people inside, none of which seemed interested in killing me, and indeed one healed me back to full health. But I'd hardly had a chance to pass out when AidenFury decided to give me a bit of a makeover himself.
Fair cop. Stupid move sleeping in a mall. I wasn't about to let him get away with it though.
Since the image is rather large and resizing it makes for good squinting, you might like to view this version: Click Here.
The image was taken by Aiden himself. I'd thank him in person for it but I would hate to further spoil my pretty new white dress with more blood and gunpowder burns.
In any case, I travelled back to Pitneybank again to restock where my otherwise peaceful rest was disturbed by Good Bub. And on the morning of my birthday no less! He could have at least wished me many happy returns. Some people have no class. Regardless, I was set to move on.
A little later that day, on my way to Gibsonton, I stumbled across BrotherMcBeaner. Finally, I was ready to weigh in on the war between Red Rum, DORIS, The Philosophe Knights, The Columbine Kids, The Spartans, Pathetic Bill and LUE and their sworn spaceman enemies, Imperium.
Indubitably, I was innebriated. Let this be a lesson to you all: don't attempt to construct long sentences whilst intoxicated.
At least, I had an excuse. And Happy Birthday to me...
Ah Gibsonton promises to be such a laugh. After a nap in spracklingbank, I headed into town to find Lord Alpharius sleeping soundly in the Gowing Building. Naturally, I defied the propaganda sprayed on the wall.
And killed him without mercy.
I wandered off to find more pleasing accomodations and eventually rested contently in a library. However, it was not his intention to let me be.
I awoke to this scene. The fool mistook me for a Philosophe Knight. While I do love the Philosophe Knighs and have nothing but the utmost respect for them, the only place I will not take a life is the Quarterly Library. Everywhere else its open season.
Yeah, even I have a personal code of ethics. I consider it rude to kill someone more than once. There are exceptions. I will defend myself. If I kill you and you come back for revenge, I'll probably kill you if I find you again. That depends largely on my mood though. I suppose war is one of those extenuating situations where I can bend my own rules for the duration, too. Regardless, it's done now.
The second kill there was less than 12 hours after the first. If my own life weren't under threat, I'd have considered my behaviour griefing. Regardless, it was amusing.
I'm not done with Gibsonton yet. I'll be scouting further tomorrow. This is indeed promising to be a fun town.
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