Where I left off I'd killed my dear friend Rebis scout and Matroskin. I didn't go far, in fact I think I only stepped over to Giddings' North East corner. Of course, I wasn't exactly hiding. So it's a fair cop that Matroskin found me, shot me and dumped my body outside. I waited probably only half an hour for a revive. My skin was still warm by the time the scientist stuck me with a needle and before too long I was back inside Giddings warm embrace. It was while I was restocking here that a friend dropped in to greet me on his way to the front line.
This time I had a little opportunity drop into my lap in the form of QStone. It is said that injured townies are like crack to those of my ilk. If so I have a rather bad habbit.
Of course, that's not to say I don't still enjoy it. Indeed, if it was purely business I wouldn't have thought twice about killing him and dumping him outside.
But curse my theatrics! A physician got to him just as I was landing the killing shot.
So, I shot him too.
And as predicted, the silly townie ran. Let that be a lesson to the goodie goodie mall rats. If someone is doing some shooting, run screaming. Much like this guy did. I have to admit, it made my day. Hazzard, if you're reading this, I've got you on my list now. Grab a phone and I'll gladly fill you in on the details of my whereabouts.
Didn't I tell you Pitneybank folks know how to treat a gal? Oh yeah, let's not forget about Dirk. I was actually restocking and preparing to head into Morrish once more when Dirk Triggerfinger, the scarey big bickie that he is, came by to give me a little friendly advice. I'm not sure what part of nihilism Dirk doesn't understand. Or maybe he thinks I really do care about life. In any case, his murder was negated in less than three minutes after I woke up dead. Hilarious no?
So with a little spring in my step I wandered back into Giddings, (yes, again!) and looked around for Dirk to tell him how amusing that little adventure had been. Alas, I didn't find him. However, I did find a little serial killer crack.
And I would have had my fix too...
If it wasn't for a couple of active townies. But, at least I got a free heal out of it. So I can't complain. As a matter of fact, I won't complain at all since I found an even larger stash of killer crack a mere moment later next door.
Ahh Kismet.
Truely she was smiling upon me this day.
I need to learn to take advantage of her more often.
And that, dear friends, makes two hat tricks and 23 people who have suddenly died near me.
I'm heading back south. As much as I'd love to stay in Pitneybank and show Dirk how much I appreciated his wisdom, it's time to do a little cleansing down there. The lovely people at DEM are hinting that they might support dirty tactics to stay alive whilst anarcho-terrorist zombie group, The Dead, a horde of goons who've suddenly spawned around 1500 members, eats Malton out of house and home. I'm sort of apathetic towards The Dead. Most of them are harmless. They're a big group of zombies. About half of Malton's population are zombies and has been for at least as long as I've been back here. Oh sure, maybe they're making it slightly harder for me to find new and interesting people to shoot, but on the plus side, I've just found a shitload of idiots to shoot. And after all, I'm not an elitist. I don't discriminate based on IQ. All are welcome to step in front of my shotgun, regardless of their mental capacity.
Anyhow, the more cowardly amoungst the DEM have been struggling to hold the south central part of Malton. The four largest zombie groups in the city, The Dead, The Militant Order of Barhah, The Big Bash and The Ridleybank Resistance Front are all hovering in the redzones just a little way north, west and east. I'm surprised that they haven't mearly run through the hordes to save the cities beyond. But like I said, they'd sooner play dirty than do something useful.
So, tomorrow they die.
Hello Dear Friend! Congratulations on your recent killing spree, marvelous!
FYI, The Brotherhood has been created. We plan on gathering people like you, training them, and then killing off many many people. Groups included. The DEM is also on this list. If you care for a training session, then please come join us. I will not post the location here, but you should find me easily enough.
What good is unskilled assassins? If we fall, we can get right back up and keep on going. If you are interested, please let me know. I could use a person like you to help lead the Family.
Side note: you have inspired me to write a blog of similar style. I have to admit, it is quite fun and adds a better element to the game.
You scare me
My cats breath smells of cat food
The end is near
truefaith, a little fear is good for you. ;)
prophet z, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Been sort of busy burning and maiming. Come up to Dulston :D
I'll take up your offer for Dulston my friend, though I hope you have a cure for my current status. I have seemed to developed a nasty taste for human flesh.
Be quick about it! The Second Big Bash is closing in.
I shall send my Fireman that way. The Prophet has found some fellows to snack upon in Dartside, they seem to be rather lively around here.
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