I saw froto around. I didn't get the chance to remind him that I didn't stalk him through the message board. Although, that may have been because someone spanked him for being a very naughty boy.
But more fun was had in Giddings
Later on I found Dirk Triggerfinger sleeping in "The Fortress of Prostitution's Gift Shoppe." I decided that I was fairly safe as Duke D'ouvre had passed on my kind regards to him. But rather than take my chances I said to him:
"Dirk! Lovely to see you again! I wanted to THANK you for your wonderful advice, even though I wasn't actually hiding, or sleeping, merely napping ;) You'll be glad to know that you didn't disturb my nap by much I'm sure!" Yawning and stretching I added,
"Well, I'm rather sleepy. I think I'll have to pass out here. I'm sure I can trust that you will be on your best behavior, Mister Triggerfinger. It'd be an awful shame to have to paint you with the same brush I paint the DEM."
He replied:
"Amber how nice to see you, as pleasant as ever. Pass my regards to Duke, I saw his work on the brainstock. I'm never one to shoot somebody so polite so feel free to sleep in any building I'm in, The Big Bickie that I am." I love a guy with a sense of humour. He added:
"Oh, and the Creedy defense force are not really our 'buddys' more along the line that after a year of fighting we decided to quit our war." And showed me this page. I slept heavily after that and upon waking I was sure to thank him.
"Wow I'm still alive! I absolutely will convey your greetings to the Duke. You're a true gentleman Mister Triggerfinger and I am glad to have met your acquaintance. I'll be sure to stop by and say hi again on my way back. Ciao bella!" I even blew him a kiss to him as I left.
I didn't get far before I found some injured humans to prey upon.
But the true crowning glory on my week, perhaps even my year laid in wait next door at Shadwick Police Department. I stocked up and wandered over to Reake Towers to sleep where I found even more injured people. I quickly contacted Duke D'oeuvre who wandered over and spent the night.
On the friday we rested up, partaking in scones and a little tea and later some lovely Red Rum. Before long we were bored with deep conversation over the treaties between a couple of groups of murderers and the upright citizens of Dulston. A brief argument ensued about different methods of anaesthesia which quickly turned to silence. Rather than dwell on our differences, we decided to team up and go next door and practice a little.
But he couldn't leave it be. "Miss Pain, I really must protest. Surely medical supplies are a much more effective method of anaesthesia than... biting bullets, or whatever your proposal is?"
And so...I showed him my methods.
A first hand demonstration there towards the end. I think it did him good. All this talk of treaties has softened him up. At least he was good enough to take some lovely photos. But really, I can't disagree totally with it. The more The Dead kill, the less I can kill. And I'm just starting to get a real hunger for it. I'm heading towards Dulston now to help out the alliance.
For posterity. That's 8 kills in case you were counting...I really need to make a list.
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